Monday, September 23, 2013

God Bless America (in Arabic)

Dubai Adventures

There were four things on our list of must dos when we took a weekend in Dubai-1. Burj Khalifa 2. IKEA  3. the Karama district and 4. Dubai Mall.  I'm sure everyone is familiar with 1 and 2- we posted about a thousand pictures on Facebook of the Burj Khalifa, and Jason previously posted about it. Ikea is the same the world over, so I won't focus our Dubai story on something that you can experience in the US. What I am going to focus on is our adventure to the Karama district and Dubai Mall.

1. Dubai Mall

Dubai Mall is ginormous.  We watched a Megastructures show on the Dubai Mall, and were amazed at the work and planning that went into such a huge undertaking. We didn't see 60% of the mall due to time constraints and its enormity, but what we did see was overwhelming.  The first thing we had to do was eat.  We were starving, and walked to the restaurant section- not the food court section- and found a Texas Roadhouse.  Holy Crap! Texas Roadhouse in Dubai- yes! Absolutely. Unfortunately, we couldn't wait the hour to get a table, so we walked in to the next place that wasn't too nice for kids, which happened to be IHOP.  We noticed that there was a balcony section, and being from Texas, decided to eat on the patio in the 96% humidity and 96 degree heat. We weren't skeered. We were rewarded with an amazing view of the Fountain show outside of the Mall.  We sat, ate pancakes and beef bacon, and watched the fountains dance.  It was awesome.  I was so happy to experience that and share it with the kids.  They thought it was the coolest thing ever!
The main atrium of the mall has Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex, and something else fancy schmancy on the first level.  However, when you look up, you can see Victoria's Secret on the second level and Payless Shoe Store on the third level.  The vast differences between floor one and three made me giggle.  
The girls are an oddity here, well, they're an oddity anywhere, but they stand out with their blondish hair, blue eyes and fair skin.  A few native ninjas asked to take their picture with the girls.  The girls felt like celebrities.
There is a huge aquarium with a plexiglass tunnel that you can walk through, and it is located in the center of an atrium.  You have great views of the aquarium from all three floors.  The tank is stocked with sharks, sting rays, and schools of fish.

2. Karama

This is where our adventure turns into an actual adventure.  We were told that there is a specific district of Dubai called Karama district that's like Chinatown in NYC.  We drove around like tourists looking for some seedy shops that looked like they would sell fake handbags, watches, etc. I kind of expected someone to approach me and ask me if I was looking for handbags, but they didn't. We had researched the district as much as possible online, and kinda sorta knew what should be expected.  Walk into a shop, ask if they have any OTHER handbags, and that's when the scary magic happens. It would have been scarier if we hadn't read a few posts about it, but I kept thinking that my mom would be pissed if she knew I was doing that. With my kids.
Once we asked about OTHER handbags, they called someone to come and get us and take us up to an apartment.  Yep.  Strange city, strange dude, strange apartment.  We crowded into a very small elevator in a tenement building, and followed a man into a room with a lot of locks on the doors.  Special knock, the door opens, and there are many shiny purses, wallets, watches, sunglasses, shoes, and jewelry.  We spent an hour in that seedy tenement looking at purses that (if real) cost more than most people make in a month.  We left because the guy wouldn't come down on his price to where we wanted. Disappointment.
We went into another seedy shop and repeated the process.  This time, we were driven to an underground parking garage (true story) and went up to another apartment.  But this one was amazing.  Magical.  It was a labrynth of many apartments that had been rented and doors had been cut into walls and secured with heavy duty magnet locks and video cameras. There was a Louis Vuitton room, a Prada room, a Chanel room, a Hermes room, a Chloe, Juicy, Jimmy Choo, Burberry, and a room of scarves and wallets. It was amazing.  They even had professionally lit display cases.  So there we were, locked inside a labrynth of apartments in Dubai with someone who deals in black market goods shopping for a handbag.  I may or may not be the proud owner of a real or not real bag, wallet and purse.  They gave us business cards with maps and phone numbers on it to bring our friends and family.  It was a successful and safe adventure for the whole family.

I would love to post pictures, but my old phone is not cooperating.  My next post on Abu Dhabi will be 98% pictures and very few words.

Oh, and the title of this post- "God Bless America (in Arabic)- Every morning at school, the kids line up like in the 80's movie Gung Ho and do calisthenics and sing the Emirati National Anthem. I saw Landry singing along one day and asked her about it.  "Landry, what were you singing this morning?" "Oh, we sing God Bless America every morning in Arabic."

Masaa alkhair wa ma:a salaamah

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First venture into Dubai

It's been awhile since our last post, so I'll try and bring everyone up to date on the recent Burgess activities. So....where do I begin? Let's see, among other things, we rented a car for a few days, went to Dubai, explored the tallest mountain in the UAE, the girls had their first day of school, and we enjoyed a fabulous dinner with some neighbors.

But it's late, and I don't want to bore you with a ridiculously long post, so I'll focus on our recent trip to Dubai tonight.

Let me just say, the renting of the car thing was so liberating I could hardly contain myself. You never realize how much you depend on a vehicle until you don't have one for a few weeks. We have a reliable taxi driver on speed dial, and it's inexpensive (DUH, gas is crazy cheap), but it's not the same. Once we were in the car (we're free!), we took off for a drive to Dubai to visit the Ikea store. It's about 140 kilometers away...isn't the metric system a pain in the but? Anyway, it's about an hour and fifteen minute drive, and is quite pleasurable. The amazing thing about the drive that kind of surprised me a bit was the beauty of it. The drive is mostly desert but the color of the sand is what struck me. It's not the khaki/beach color sand I was expecting. It was a beautiful reddish color that honestly reminded me a bit of good old red Texas clay. When the wind kicked up and moved the sand a bit, it had a beautiful wave that the sun reflected and was quite amazing.
Approaching Dubai
On our ride in we slowly started seeing the skyline of one of the most amazing cities in the world. Obviously it's dominated by the Burg Khalifa, the tallest building in the world at over 2700 feet! INSANE!
Another shot of the Burg Khalifa
Thankfully we had GPS in our rental and it led us directly to the Ikea store. Considering people rely more on landmarks as a general way of getting around, as opposed to the useful house/bldg number and street name, GPS is seriously the only way to go.

What we didn't know about the Ikea store in Dubai is that it's anchored to Festival City Mall which is CRAZY big. Apparently they don't know how to make a small mall in the UAE as even the 3 we have in Al Ain are massive. Anyway, we spent most of the evening browsing the store and picking up some home essentials we were desperately lacking.

We spent a few hours shopping in Ikea, followed by another couple of hours in the Festival City mall. I know we mention going to the mall quite often, but it literally is like the hub for everything in the UAE. Want a cell phone? Mall. Cable TV/Internet? Mall. Groceries? MALL. Sounds crazy, but it's pretty darn convenient, especially when you don't have a car! 

We enjoyed some Falafel's for dinner at this awesome place in the foodcourt named Just Falafel. Those things were amazing! I'm still shocked that the girls ate them, and actually enjoyed them. We'll definitely go back again. 

We had fun in Dubai and we can't wait to visit again soon! Hopefully we'll get more pics next time.

Stay tuned for more, including some videos!