Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wow, I am bad at this blogging thing.

I don't understand how people can blog daily. I don't have enough universally appropriate things to say. That's what makes me wonderful. : ) Daily stuff is evidenced by the following:

We're officially into the routine of living here instead of just visiting.

Jason is very manly proud of the fact that he can get around Al Ain and Dubai without using the GPS.  He takes it as a personal affront to his manhood when I plug in the GPS when he's driving. An insight into Jason's mind......


We still get looks wherever we go, but they're not bad looks.  It's more what's up with those people? looks.  Let me explain a few things.  Women here speak in undertones. Or I am deaf. It could just be my perspective. I never hear women when I am out in public. I think it's for the same reason they wear the abayas and veils- to not draw attention to themselves.  Just a thought.
Then there's us. I think we didn't get the memo about hushed undertones.  I don't think it's possible for us. Have you heard me laugh? I think the world has heard me laugh. Our kids are the same. They think everyone needs to hear every conversation we have.  When Ava sees people looking at her, she decides to put on a loud, obnoxious show for them.

The countdown is officially on until we go back to Texas for July. 
11 weeks and counting!

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