Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Day!

Today was my first day of work! We have inservice for about three weeks before school starts on September 3.  Today, the teacher bus picked us up and brought us into Abu Dhabi for orientation.  Cultural awareness, dress code, etc. Most of it common sense, but I did learn a few interesting tidbits:
1. It is acceptable for men to hold hand in public, but not men and women.
2. It is acceptable for men to give each other eskimo kisses, but not men and women.
3. Zip means something inappropriate (I don't know what),  so you should not tell the kids to zip it.
4. I apparently teach at a wealthy private school, not a public school with normal kids as I thought.

I was so excited to meet my colleagues today! I woke up an hour early and couldn't go back to sleep.  I met many teachers from the States- Georgia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Jersey, etc., but I also met teachers from England, Cyprus, New Zealand, Canada,  and Syria. They are all interesting people with great stories. One was in the Peace Corps, then taught in Antigua, and is now in the UAE. Another taught in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for 2 years, and another in China!
I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring!

Ma:a Salaamah!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing...... So I suppose zip ties and zip lining are out oh and what if a kid's zipper is down? Ooo This is going to be interesting, a word we hardly use will now be the word of the day.
